News & Updates
World of Concrete 2025
To all the people coming to the World of concrete, come and support Alan Pettingale and Michael Schuller. They will be presenting on Masonry Repair Essentials.
Mrs Baird’s House
Water damage
Coming soon!
Playing with graphics for the Bricktalk.Live podcast we're working on! IYKYK!
Mesquite, Texas restoration project.
Presentation to Structural Engineers Association of Texas (SEAoT) – Fort Worth Chapter
Thank you to Alan Pettingale with Specialized Masonry Restoration for a great presentation on cavity wall ties at our February monthly meeting! Also a big thank you to Specialized Masonry Restoration for sponsoring the meeting! We look forward to seeing everyone this...
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 12 Noon Place: Reata Restaurant Address: 310 Houston St. Fort Worth, 76102 Investigating Existing Masonry Presented by: Mr. Alan Pettingale Bio: Specialized Masonry Restoration’s Alan Pettingale has thirty years of professional experience...
Ensuring the Future of Masonry: The Urgent Call to Train and Empower the Next Generation
In the echoing chambers of history, masonry graces the pages of civilization’s oldest stories. It’s a craft that’s etched into the very stones of our most enduring monuments and a foundation upon which architectural prowess has been built. Yet, as the sun sets on the...
Masonry Restoration vs. Masonry Preservation: Sustaining the Legacy of Texas’s Historic Downtown Squares
As we meander through the charming downtown squares of Texas, we're enveloped by a sense of history. The steadfast brick facades of these buildings are more than mere structures; they are enduring narratives of the Lone Star State's vibrant past. However, time and...
Hidden from View: Investigating Masonry Veneer Anchorage
While masonry veneer anchors are hidden, non-destructive testing can be used to accurately determine the anchor locations.
A reason to repair cracks in brickwork-Texas!
The Problem with Codes
It is a frequent cry in masonry restoration circles that there are few, to no, codes for restoring older buildings, however there are some cities who have codes. In New York City, one of the most densely populated urban areas in the US, codes do exist for monitoring buildings, but “the city does not do the inspections” as they are too understaffed. Instead, they depend on “engineers or other specialists hired by building owners.”
Cavity Wall Tie Corrosion: An Imperative Solution for Longevity in American Structures
Cavity wall ties, steel nubs that bind the inner and outer layers of a wall, are silent sentinels. Yet, for structures raised before the formulation of new industry standards, they may betray the passage of time in their disintegration.
The Dangers of Scaffolding: What You Need to Know
Scaffolding is a common structure you see at construction sites, but what most people don’t realize is that it can be a potential hazard for workers and passersby. Scaffolding accidents can cause serious injuries and fatalities
The Grand Imperative: Engineering Safety in Masonry Constructions Amid the Climate Crisis
When it comes to enduring architecture that mirrors the legacy of civilizations, masonry stands stoic as an emblem of human ingenuity. But how do we, as engineers and architects and contractors, ensure these structures remain formidable in the face of environmental challenges like the climate crisis, which constantly reshapes the safety benchmarks of our built heritage?
Historic Saint Vrain Mill from 1802 to 1870
Historic Saint Vrain Mill
The Importance of Proper Masonry Restoration
Embarking on the task of masonry restoration is akin to meticulously restoring a piece of history—a job that necessitates expertise, precision, and a deep appreciation for preservation. In the ever-evolving landscapes of our towns and cities, where old meets new, masonry stands as a testament to our architectural narrative, linking us to the past and guiding us into the future. Yet, this stonework art can turn troublesome if we neglect its necessary care. Join us as we delve into the essential aspects of masonry restoration and the pivotal reasons why it warrants our utmost attention.
The Aging Infrastructure Conundrum in Rural Small Texas Towns
The picturesque downtown squares of small Texas towns are beloved by residents and tourists alike. These historic areas often serve as the hub of community activities, with local businesses, government offices, and cultural institutions located there. However, while these town centers may be charming, they also face a pressing issue: aging infrastructure.
Brick Veneer vs Stucco on My Building: Who Wins the Battle?
The great brick veneer vs stucco war has been on for decades, and there’s no definite answer. However, in this blog post, we’ve got you covered. We’re going to explore the two materials to help you make an informed decision.
6 Reasons I Use Drones for Building Inspections
Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become increasingly popular in various industries due to their ability to capture high-quality images and videos from the air. One of the areas where drones are proving to be extremely useful is building inspections.
Steel lintels above a garage are important
Steel lintels above a garage are important to bear the load of the wall and roof above it. The garage lintel is a horizontal support beam that spans the width of the garage opening, supporting the weight of the structure above it.
The Perils of Ignoring Periodic Maintenance
Brick structures hold a special charm, evoking a sense of nostalgia and history. They embody architectural glory that stands the test of time. However, this beauty and charm cannot be taken for granted. Without proper maintenance and restoration, brick structures can quickly deteriorate, losing their luster and structural integrity.
My Question
Click here: My Question
A Product of the Cheapest Bid
Hidden from View: Investigating Masonry Veneer Anchorage
Read this: Stewart M. Verhulst, M.S., P.E., RRC, M. ASCE V.P. and Executive Technical Director, Nelson Forensics, 9701 Brodie Lane, Suite 201, Austin, Texas 78748; email:;...
Case of the Beach Scaffolding in Texas
Click Here:The Case of the Beach Scaffolding in Texas
Abstract Anchor systems in masonry walls have been used for centuries, with the earliest dating back to the Romans and Greeks who used wrought iron to supplement conventional masonry. Other cultures and countries have used variations of metal anchors and straps in the...